AEP: Assisting   diagnosis and epilepsy treatment

We understand that as a clinician your commitment to your patients well-being is paramount. AEP provides a decision support tool presenting key findings and interpretations from advanced imaging, neuropsychology and genetics.

Who is the AEP for?

Patients who will benefit from the AEP research study are those who have had:

First seizure within last six months

For patients who have had no more than one seizure, or multiple within a 24-hour period. In addition, there is no diagnosis of epilepsy but in your opinion, is the most likely cause of the seizure

New diagnosis of epilepsy

Patient’s that have been diagnosed with epilepsy within the last six months. The patient has had at least one seizure within the last six months and on anti-seizure medication for less than six months

Refractory focal epilepsy

Patients that have had at least one seizure within the last six months. The patient is currently taking at least one anti-seizure medication and has tried at least one other anti-seizure medication.

What makes my patient eligible for AEP?

Patients need to meet one of three clinical categories as part of the inclusion criteria.


First unprovoked seizure within the last six months


New diagnosis of epilepsy


Refractory focal epilepsy

Inclusion criteria

Be aged 18 - 67 years

Have capacity to consent

Have no history of developmental or epileptic encephalopathy (DEE)

Can participate in follow-up phone calls and surveys over a 24-month period

A current Medicare number

Be willing to share their de-identified data to facilitate open research

Providing a comprehensive approach and advanced understanding

Appointment coordination by AEP team

AEP coordinates all the appointments with your patient. We make the process faster and more efficient for both you and your patients.

AEP Report delivered via a secure portal

AEP simplifies the patient’s formal investigations, consolidating all test results into a single, easy-to-read report.

Epilepsy-specialised neuroradiologist

Gain access to a specialised neuroradiologist with expertise in identifying subtle lesions related to epilepsy.

Comprehensive diagnostic approach

In addition to advanced imaging, AEP offers genetics and neuropsychological testing, evaluation of depression and anxiety scores as part of AEP's comprehensive approach. This provides a deeper understanding of your patient, enabling you to tailor treatments more effectively.

AEP Report

The AEP Report consolidates formal investigations to provide a comprehensive view of your patient. It consists of:

Clinical radiologist report

Analysis and interpretation by leading Australian epilepsy neuroradiologists

Research imaging report

Hippocampal volume
Language fMRI mapping
Language activation maps and language laterality

Research neuropsychology report

Depression and anxiety screening; functioning in major cognitive domains

Genetics report

Molecular karyotype and copy number variant screening

Download the AEP clinician brochure

The clinician brochure provides more detail about the AEP study.

Our partners and supporters

The Australian Epilepsy Project is made possible through the combined support of The Florey and University of Melbourne.

The Australian Epilepsy Project (AEP) receives funding from the Australian Government under the Medical Research Future Fund.


Here's some Frequently Asked Questions about The Australian Epilepsy Project.

As a clinician, what is my role in AEP?

We need your help to assess the eligibility of your patient, by selecting the relevant cohort for the study. A summary of the findings will be presented to you in the AEP Report, to discuss with you patient.

What data and samples will be collected?

When your patient joins the AEP we will collect the following information:
(1) Imaging - through an advanced MRI
(2) Neuropsychology assessment
(3) Genetics
(4) Follow-up data outcomes 6, 12 and 24 month follow-ups.

How do I refer my patient into the AEP?

You can refer a patient into the AEP here or alternatively if you already have an account with AEP you can sign in here.

Is there a cost to my patient to be part of the AEP?

No, there is no out-of-pocket expenses for the participant.

How is the AEP funded?

The AEP received $30 million from the Australian Government under the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). The funding was provided for a five year study to collect the world’s largest multimodal data set for epilepsy.

Still have questions?

We'll be happy to help you with any questions that you may have.