Get involved

At the Australian Epilepsy Project (AEP) we are on a mission to change the lives of the 1 in 25 Australians living with epilepsy. There are multiple ways you can get involved and help us achieve our goal.

I’m someone experiencing seizures and/or have an epilepsy diagnosis

If you live in Australia and have been recently diagnosed with epilepsy, experienced your first seizure, or have drug-resistant epilepsy, you may be eligible to join the study and access advanced testing at no cost.

Click on the questionnaire button below, you will taken through a series of questions to find out your eligibility.

“It’s been great having a more comprehensive testing process and I’d recommend that to anybody dealing with unexplained seizures. The team were helpful, kind, and informative.”

AEP Participant

I want to volunteer

We are currently recruiting volunteers to join the AEP Control Group. As part of the study control group you will take part in the same testing as the study's general participants.

Find out more about the AEP testing and the importance of control groups.

Click on the button below to register your interest in becoming a control group volunteer.

Approx 1 mins

“I found the whole testing process fascinating. I was anticipating some claustrophobia in the MRI – but didn’t experience any. The whole AEP team made the process easy”

AEP Volunteer

I’m a clinician

The AEP provides key findings and interpretations from advance imaging, neuropsychology and genetics.

Patients need to meet one of the three clinical categories as part of the inclusion criteria:

  • First unprovoked seizure within the last six months
  • New diagnosis of epilepsy
  • Refractory focal epilepsy

Find out more about inclusions for the study

“I found that 10% of my referrals that were MRI negative have come back MRI positive through the AEP, so this has been very helpful”

Referring Clinician


Here's some Frequently Asked Questions about The Australian Epilepsy Project.

Is there a cost for participating in the AEP?

No, there are no cost associated with participating in the Project, as the AEP is currently funded by the Australian Government through the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

Does the AEP cover children/paediatric epilepsy?

Unfortunately, the AEP is currently for adults, 18 - 67 years, so children under the age of 18 currently are not eligible to be part of the AEP.

Can I schedule the testing at times suitable for me?

Yes, our AEP Team will work with you try to find a time suitable for you, within business hours, for AEP Testing.

Can I change my mind after I join AEP?

Yes, if you find that you no longer want to be part of AEP, you can let us know at any time.

I don’t live in Australia, can I still participate in the AEP?

Unfortunately you need to be in Australia to participate in the AEP. You can continue to support the Project by following us on socials as well as recommending the AEP to participant’s living with seizures or volunteers that would be willing to join the control cohort.

Still have questions?

We’re here to help. We’ll be happy to help you with any questions you may have.

Subscribe to our newsletter.

To find out more about the AEP and keep up to date with project outcomes, subscribe to our quarterly newsletters.

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Our partners and supporters

The Australian Epilepsy Project is made possible through the combined support of The Florey and University of Melbourne.

The Australian Epilepsy Project (AEP) receives funding from the Australian Government under the Medical Research Future Fund.